Remember to pay your insurance premium invoice
Insurance premium invoices are due each year on 15 March, 15 June, 15 September and 15 December.
Remember to use the reference number when paying the invoice. Enter it in the reference number field when paying from your online bank, and your payment will be directed to us correctly. Enter the reference number without spaces and remember to include the RF prefix at the beginning of the number. Do not enter the reference number in the message field.
You can also pay by e-invoice or by scanning the barcode
You can agree to accept e-invoices through your own online bank, in which case the invoice will be sent to you electronically and all the information needed for the payment will be ready. If you choose to receive e-invoices, you will not be sent a separate paper invoice.
In addition, in most online banking apps, invoices can also be paid using a barcode. In the app, take a photo of the barcode on the invoice with the camera of your smartphone or tablet, after which the payment information is transferred directly to the payment form. After that, you just need to check that the information is correct and accept the payment.
Do you need an extension?
If you need more time to pay your insurance premiums, you can agree on a new payment schedule using our e-Services. You can also agree on a payment schedule by calling our insurance premium invoicing number on +358 29 435 2690.
The late payment interest on our invoices between 1 January and 30 June 2024 is 12.5 percent per annum. Interest is charged in accordance with Section 4a of the Interest Act.
View upcoming invoices using our e-Services
You can also view all your upcoming invoices for this year using our e-Services under “Insurance policies” and “Invoices”. This makes it easier to review and plan your finances. In addition, you can view any overdue invoices, as well as copies of all invoices sent to you since 1 January 2021.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
You can find answers to frequently asked questions about insurance premiums on the FAQ page. If you do not find an answer to your specific questions, contact us and we will help you. Our insurance premium invoicing number is +358 29 435 2690.