Mela’s partial old-age pension calculator
This calculator allows you to estimate the amount of your partial old-age pension at the age of your choosing.
The calculator estimates the amount of your partial old-age pension for 25 and 50 percent. It also allows you to estimate the amount of your actual old-age pension upon retirement if you have taken a partial old-age pension.
You can give your earnings level (confirmed/earned income and possible salaries and wages) before and during the partial old-age pension. If you do not include earnings alongside your partial old-age pension, the calculator will assume that your work will continue at the previous earnings level until you retire.
To calculate the amount of your partial old-age pension, you should also include the amount of pension that has been accrued up until the end of the previous year. You can check this on your pension record or from Mela’s e-services (in Finnish and Swedish).
The calculator is intended for use by persons born before 2016. The estimate takes into account possible early reductions and/or deferral increase, as well as the life expectancy coefficient.